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Looking To Learn Why You're Experiencing Chronic Pain ?


 Contact Us & Get A Free Postural Analysis !

 What is Postural Restoration ?



  • What kind of pain do you work with ?
    Our methods work best with chronic shoulder, knee and low back pain. Specifically Idiopathic (usually a non-diagnosed issue) pain. We do not work with pain if it revolves around muscle-degenerative (i.e. Osteoarthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, etc) or neurodegenerative disorders (i.e. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc). Please contact us via email, and we'll tell you whether or not you're a good fit for us.
  • Will my Insurance cover the costs ?
    Unfortunately our services are not covered by AHS or any other health insurance provider as far as we are aware. You will be sent auto generated receipts/invoices which you can show to your insurance provider for more information on coverage.
  • Where do I park when I come in ?
    The space we rent has free parking spots available behind gate on the right side of the building. Image link here to free building parking here :!1s0x53a023004a459edf%3A0x970e87c2a4073c64!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fcapoeira%2Bacademy%2F%4053.5594157%2C-113.4889074%2C3a%2C75y%2C326.92h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sHxft-ssBVAhJ_MAQuqEbhQ*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x53a023004a459edf%3A0x970e87c2a4073c64%3Fsa%3DX%26ved%3D2ahUKEwjBnr-7lMqGAxUEOTQIHZ7_A48Qpx96BAhZEAA!5scapoeira%20academy%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2sHxft-ssBVAhJ_MAQuqEbhQ&hl=en&ved=1t%3A206134&ictx=111
  • What is your refund policy ?
    If we can't find any evidence via PRI testing that you are stuck in Left AIC/Right BC Pattern (or are struggling) with a related issue, we will issue you a full refund.
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